Friday, November 8, 2013

From Emptiness Comes Everything

Sometimes we learn lessons in ways that aren't particularly painful or challenging. Other times we make great strides in our journey because we have had to stretch and dig deep.

Both ways are good. Both bring more light, direction, purpose, and what I call "texture" to the tapestry of life.

Either way, we have to be open to receive the teaching...the lesson...the blessing.

They are one and the same: the lesson and the blessing.

We can only receive the bounty that is being offered in any given moment if we are open to receive. An open vessel. If we think I already know this, or this one cannot teach me anything, we have lost out.

My spiritual teacher, Master Sha shared that his spiritual father, Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo taught the secret to qigong as:

Empty your heart. Forget yourself. And serve humanity.

When we forget ourselves, we become an open vessel. A clean canvas. An empty cup. From the state of emptiness and selflessness we can receive so much more and, in doing so, we can serve with greater love, forgiveness, compassion, and light. We are empowered further. From emptiness comes everything. Tao (nothingness) creates One. One creates Two. Two creates Three. Three creates all things.

I have been blessed beyond comprehension in this life to have not only met and receive teachings and blessing from, but to become a Worldwide Representative and Disciple of a most extraordinary spiritual master on Mother Earth. My most profound realizations and leaps in not only consciousness, but of heart and my soul journey have come from attending Tao Retreats with Master Sha, who is a lineage holder of Kwan Yin as well as top Taoist masters in history, including Peng Zu, the teacher of Lao Tzu.

I am excited and honored to be attending Master Sha's upcoming Tao Retreats in Estes Park, Colorado, November 9-21. Opportunities like this are very rare and we don't know how long they will last.

I invite you ... encourage you ... call you to attend. If you have not participated in the past, I promise you will receive so much more than you can begin to imagine. If you have participated in the past, I promise you will receive so much more than you can begin to imagine. The blessings and teachings will be unlike anything we can conceive of with our logical minds.

Be an open vessel. From here, gain mastery of all things. 

You will experience and receive so much light that blockages could be removed at an incredible rate. You will experience purification of your soul, heart, mind, and body. You will receive and truly experience a Love Peace Harmony World Family. What I have received has been beyond my comprehension. You will be blessed beyond comprehension too.

Join us! Your life and your soul journey will be transformed. Attend in person. If you cannot, join by live webcast. You will be extremely, extremely blessed.

Do you have something you'd like to share? Please leave a comment. And be sure to subscribe to my blog.

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine


  1. Dear Master Elaine,

    I really love the teaching you are sharing with us today! As I did struggle the last two weeks with ongoing purification and testings I realized that the teachings offered through the Blogs are really very, very helpful!
    Especially in adjusting the mind and Clearing mind blockages - what is very important for me. I like the teaching about the empty kanvas a lot, it is easy to grasp and to integrate in daily life.

    I will never Forget attending the very first Tao Retreat in Ramsau in Person. What an experience! My life has been changed - and saved - in 2010. I am so looking Forward to another life altering experience!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you!

    1. Dear Nina, Thank you for your comment. Staying in a state of gratitude and being open to receive and to give, as opposed to shutting down when faced with challenges, helps to transform much. I am delighted to hear that you are attending the Tao Retreat. You are extremely blessed.
      Much love, Master Elaine

  2. Dearest Master Elaine, i am so deeply touched and moved by your insights and heart felt calling. we are truly incredibly blessed. With love and gratitude,Maya

    1. Dear Master Maya, I am blessed by your love. We are all blessed and loved beyond measure. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love you, Master Elaine
