Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Our words, thoughts, and behaviors can create more suffering or uplift others


This is a very auspicious time of year, when our hearts long for peace and understanding perhaps more than any other time of year. It is a time of inclusiveness and gathering. Of coming home. In our hearts, each of us desires to reduce humanity's pain and suffering. We wish to live in a world of love, peace and harmony.

Many people meditate, do volunteer work, donate their time, resources, and more to help make a difference in their communities and the world. To alleviate suffering. To help make other people happier and healthier. To bring comfort. To bring more love and light to the hearts of humanity.

Our words, thoughts, and behaviors can create more suffering or uplift others. We can make a tremendous difference in the world. We can create and manifest real, lasting change in our personal life and in the world. One of the simplest and most powerful ways to accomplish this is by chanting. Many traditions chant, though they may call it something else. They could repeat a prayer or sing a hymn.

Each word carries a message and vibration. Think of a prayer or mantra, a special sound or phrase that one repeats over and over to bring healing, transformation, grounding, peace, expansion, connection to the Divine or Source, etc. Whether we know it or not, we very likely have a mantra. Pause for a moment to think about your personal mantra. For many people, it is:

I have no money...I don't like my job...My partner doesn't understand me...My son/daughter/car/boss/washing machine/pet/neighbor is a pain in the neck...I can never catch a break...

You get the idea. We become what we chant, so change the message to change your life. Change the mantra. We have the power to change our lives and simultaneously create positive change in the world. How blessed we are!

You can deeply affect and transform your condition, whether it be disharmony in the workplace or family, anxiety or depression, health issues, inner struggles, and so much more, by chanting. At the same time, by joining together with the collective intention to serve humanity and uplift the vibration, frequency, consciousness, and hearts of humanity, tremendous love, light, and transformation will be brought to Mother Earth.

My spiritual father and teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha received a beautiful and precious gift from the Divine in 2005 to share with humanity. This gift is the Divine Soul Song Love, Peace and Harmony:

I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Love, peace and harmony

To sing this song is a blessing. To sing this song for 15 minutes per day is a blessing beyond comprehension. To join hearts and souls together to chant in service to humanity, Mother Earth, and all souls is a tremendous blessing for you, your community, humanity, and Mother Earth.

Why is this so? This Divine Soul Song carries Divine frequency and vibration, with Divine love, forgiveness, compassion, and light. Each line of this Divine Song is a treasure:

I love my heart and soul: This is a self-healing mantra. Imagine replacing negative self-talk with I love my heart and soulThis mantra can purify your soul, heart, mind, and body and heal sickness.

I love all humanity: As you sing this, you are serving humanity by offering your love to humanity. Through unconditional service to others, we clear our karma that is the root cause of the blockages in our life.

Join hearts and souls together: This is the Divine's calling; for us to join hearts and souls together as One. No separation.

Love, peace and harmony: This is the final goal of this time on Mother Earth; to create a peaceful and harmonized world. The time is now.

Around the world, thousands of people have joined the global Love Peace Harmony Movement founded by Master Sha in 2010, and have committed to chanting this song for 15 minutes every day. There have been many, many healing miracles from chanting Love, Peace and Harmony. For the third consecutive year, we will be chanting this simple and extremely powerful Divine Soul Song 24/7 from December 8-January 24. Non-stop chanting of this Divine Soul Song for 46 days straight! The power, light, and transformation will be beyond words and comprehension.

For the past two years I have been extremely blessed to participate and lead some of the chanting sessions each day, and they are extraordinary. I also join throughout the day to chant as others lead. I call you to join us to chant. You can learn this beautiful Divine Soul Song very easily. Listen to it here:

I encourage you to join whenever you can, as often as you can. The frequency will continue to increase as the days go on. It is completely free to participate. Register here, and you can join us on the Soul Healing Miracles Chanting Channel. 

From my heart, I cannot encourage you enough to participate in this free service for the upliftment of humanity. Chant for world love, peace, and harmony! You will be extremely blessed.

I love you and honor you.

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Receive Heaven's and Mother Earth's Nourishment

Dear Ones,

You may have had experiences in your life where you were deeply touched, inspired, and transformed. It could have been from reading a book, participating in a seminar, an experience in nature or with a spiritual teacher or something else that stirred your heart and soul. For me, watching Master Sha serve inspires me to be more loving, compassionate, unconditional, and more. To be a better servant. He gives selflessly and sacrifices so much to help humanity to heal, to transform, and to uplift and advance their soul journey beyond description.

The Tao I-II Retreats have been incredibly heart-touching and opening in this regard. It is a most sacred time. The teaching, blessings, and practices transform our shen qi jing (soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter) blockages moment by moment. Just being in Master Sha's presence does this.  Throughout history, spiritual seekers have spent lifetimes to purify to such a degree that they could reach and meld with Tao. Still, so few accomplished this. We are extremely blessed to have this opportunity to receive these teachings.

I invite you to join the Tao III-IV Retreats for Healing, Rejuvenation, and Longevity via live webcast from wherever you are in the world. The healing and transformation that is possible is beyond words.

I am sharing a powerful practice to receive Heaven's and Mother Earth's nourishment, to build your Jin Dan (golden light ball in the lower abdomen), and remove shen qi jing blockages in order to heal, rejuvenate, and reach a very special condition. 

Apply the practice often to experience its power. In one sentence:

If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it.

Watch the joy-filled video below and practice along with Master Sha. You will be extremely blessed. 

     Text                                                Translation/meaning
Tao Sheng Yi                                 Tao creates One
Tian Yi Zhen Shui                          Heaven’s unique sacred liquid
Jin Jin Yu Ye                                  Gold liquid, jade liquid
Yan Ru Dan Tian                           Swallow into the Lower Dan Tian
Shen Qi Jing He Yi                        Soul energy matter join as one
Tian Di Ren He Yi                         Heaven, Mother Earth, human being join as one
Jin Dan Lian Chengj                      Jin Dan is formed
Bai Bing Xiao Chu                         All sickness disappears
Yu Fang Bai Bing                          Prevent all sickness
Fan Lao Huan Tong                      Return old age to the health and purity of a baby
Chang Shou Yong Sheng             Longevity and immortality

Share your experience. I would love to hear from you!

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dear Ones,

Today I am filled with gratitude, not only for what I have received in the form of spiritual teachings, healing, blessings, and more, but for all that is available to those who are ready to receive.

Our task is to open to receive and to share what we receive in service to others. As we heal and transform, as we raise our vibration and more, we can better serve others.

Open to receive!

Just being in the presence of a high level spiritual master such as my teacher, Master Sha, removes blockages in the soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter (shen qi jing). 

His generosity-in the form of blessings and more-transforms our blockages from our many lifetimes. 

What does this mean? 

It saves us lifetimes-not days, months, or years-of struggle, suffering, and spiritual practice.

Step into the Tao. Join the Tao Retreats.

Looking forward to joining with you.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Friday, October 10, 2014

Receive Divine's Love

Hello, dear Ones.

The Divine has guided me to share something with you. 

Like most people, you could be experiencing challenges in your life. No one is immune to this. We all have blockages we wish to transform. They may be in our relationships, finances, health, or any aspect of life. They could even be in several categories.

These issues can bring great pain to our heart. 

When we are in the midst of our difficult and what feels like the darkest times, we can feel so alone in our suffering. I have experienced times when I felt alone. Afraid. Not sure what to do next or who to talk to. Or even if I should talk about it. Times when I felt I would lose my mind.

By the grace of Heaven, I am here. And you are too. 

Remember always that you are loved beyond measure. That the Divine believes in you, supports and nourishes you, lifts you up, and holds you so tenderly. You are deeply loved and cherished.

The Divine wishes to give you a message. Relax and open to receive.


My dear sons and daughters,

I love you beyond all time and space. I love you from head to toe, skin to bone; every cell in your being is infused with my love. I give this to you freely, but sometimes you go deep in your pain and close yourself off from me. This pains my heart because I want only to serve you. That is my deepest desire: to love you so you can share my love with others. 

I am always here for you. Call me. By whatever name you use, call me. I will never leave you. There are some lessons to learn in your physical life. Appreciate them and learn them quickly so you need not repeat them. This is my gift to you: opportunity after opportunity to accomplish what you are here to do: to learn what needs learning so you can be my presence to others. So you can align more fully with me. The more you align with me, the more freedom you will experience. There may still be challenges, it is true. But you will be liberated from the suffering that separation brings.

Remember this message. Connect with it when you are hurting. 

I will now offer you a blessing through this blog, through Master Elaine. Sit quietly. Relax. Close your eyes and open to receive my love. (Click on recording below.) 

I love you. Love you. Love you. 

I bless you. Bless you. Bless you.

Hao! Hao! Hao! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You can return to this post to receive this blessing again and again. 

I'd like very much to hear from you. Leave me a message.

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed day. 

With love from my heart,

Master Elaine

Friday, September 5, 2014

An Unshakable Heart


Years ago I heard a spiritual teacher say that suffering is grace because it brings us closer to the Divine.

While I have had this experience, lately I have come to realize more and more that this is not always the case.

Sometimes we suffer and distance ourselves from the Divine. We may become angry or give up on the Divine. Or feel as though the Divine has given up on us. 

This is never the case. 

The challenges we face can be stumbling blocks that take us off our path (whatever that may be), or they can be stepping stones that lead us further down the path. The choice is ours. Whatever we are facing can be fuel for the journey, or it can completely derail us.

I shared in one of my first blog posts about a difficult time I went through years ago. I was newly divorced with a young son and I lost my home. I held onto my spiritual practice more than ever, and not only made it through those times, which lasted a few years, but they were pivotal times in my life. Despite being some of the more challenging times in my life, they were some of the most beautiful. Truly. They were times of such incredible beauty and expansion. My practice at the time was devotional chanting. I had the Names of God in my heart and on my lips for hours every day. And everything was okay, no matter what it looked like from the outside.

Master Sha teaches about having an unshakable heart. We have to be solid so nothing can shake our heart.

In the Immortal Tao Classic, two hundred twenty sacred phrases for the spiritual journey that Master Sha received from the Tao, there is one line in particular that deeply moves me: 

Lian Xin Bu Dong 

Pronounced lyen sheen boo dawng, this means the Xiu Lian heart cannot be shaken. Xiu means purification and “Lian” means practice. “Xiu Lian” (pronounced sheo lyen) means practice to purify soul, heart, mind, and body. If you are a serious spiritual practitioner, or if you wish to live a peaceful, balanced life, an unshakable heart is a must. 

There is much negativity and pollution on Mother Earth. There is pollution of all kinds, not only environmental pollution. You cannot let it shake your heart. Walking a spiritual path can be challenging at times; to not be distracted by the pollution, and to always be aware of how easily we can create new karma by what we speak, what we see, what we think, what we do. 

One of the benefits of spiritual practice is that it purifies the heart. With a pure heart, the negativity and pollution around you won`t shake your heart. It won`t derail you. It cannot distract you from your journey. What`s more, when faced with challenges big or small, you can stay on track, or more easily get back on track. 

Use everything you can as fuel for your journey, and your journey will keep moving forward.

Everything you do, and everything you experience, can be a way of coming to God.

Have a blessed and beautiful day.

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Love melts all blockages.

I remember my first visit with my guru. He had shown that he read my mind. So I looked at the grass and thought. "My God, he's going to know all the things I don't want people to know." I was really embarrassed. Then I looked up and he was looking directly at me with unconditional love. - Ram Dass

The love of a teacher. On this day, I deeply thank my spiritual father and teacher, Master Sha. His love is boundless. The Dao De Jing says that Tao is bigger than biggest. Master Sha's love is bigger than biggest. 

I have experienced this love firsthand for over nine years. His love has transformed me on so many levels. It has made me want to be a better person. To help more people. To ask for forgiveness for my mistakes. To forgive others unconditionally. To understand that we are all One. Every one of us has our own unique journey, but we are all souls on a journey. 

Do I have blockages and issues I need to work through? You bet! But I have the love of my teacher to help me and sustain me. Of someone who has traveled further, much further, on the spiritual journey than I ever knew was possible.

You may have someone in your life who has been a guide, helper, or mentor for you. You may have a spiritual teacher who guides you and blesses you. I encourage you to pause and express your gratitude to the Divine and the universe for this blessing in your life. 

Master Sha teaches this very powerful one-sentence secret:

 Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. 

Truth. Can you feel it? Love truly does melt all blockages.

Do a practice with me now. Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Gently close your eyes. Put your mind in your lower abdomen. Place your hands on your lower abdomen. Relax your body and allow yourself a few minutes to just be present. When you feel relaxed, repeat the following. You can alternate chanting aloud and silently for three to five minutes each (or longer):

Love melts all blockages and transforms my life.
Love melts all blockages and transforms my life.
Love melts all blockages and transforms my life.
Love melts all blockages and transforms my life ...

Close the practice by expressing your gratitude for the blessings in your life. Thank the Divine, the universe, or whatever fits your belief system. Sit for a moment and radiate your love to these people and other blessings in your life. Offer your Da Ai (greatest love, pronounced dah eye). Close with Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


I encourage you to apply love, your greatest love, which is unconditional love, for the next two weeks. Do this in every situation and, most especially, the challenging ones. Be aware of the transformation that takes place around you and within you.

Please leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeyphillips/10226350436/">mikeyp2000</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">cc</a>

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gratitude Changes My Life (And It Will Change Yours, Too)


In my last post I mentioned that I would share a practice to develop gratitude.Today we will look at gratitude and how having an attitude of gratitude can transform your life. 

Often you hear people say they are grateful for this or that. You may have noticed that people who are grateful appear to be happier than those who may not express gratitude in everyday life. This is not to say they don't experience struggles and life blockages because they do. But they see them through a different lens. They view all of life-the ups and downs and in-betweens-through gratitude. 

How would you define gratitude? Master Marilyn Smith has written a delightful and powerful book called Gratitude: A Key to Happiness (Toronto/Heaven's Library Publication Corp., 2010). The title alone is a great teaching! In this book, gratitude is defined in this way:

Gratitude is appreciation, reverence, respect and joy          
that is unconditional.

Read that sentence again once or twice slowly. 

Now imagine having appreciation, reverence, respect and joy that is unconditional. Imagine living and expressing this unconditional appreciation, reverence, respect and joy.

Truly, just as described in this book, I have found the way to achieve an attitude of happiness is to focus on gratitude. When you do this, you connect with the essence of happiness, which is deep inner joy. 

You can start now, right where you are, by thinking for a few moments about what makes you happy. If you have difficulty doing this, start with something small. Are there flowers in your yard or a beautiful tree on your way to work? See squirrels playing in a tree? A baby in a carriage on the street? A cool evening? A cup of hot tea? A comfortable chair or a good book? Maybe you don’t think they are special. Look for something. Do this throughout your entire day. These are things you can say thank you for. 

Do this for one week or more. Do your best to pause and be grateful. Truly grateful. And express that gratitude. The more you do this, the more automatic it will become. The more heartfelt your gratitude will be. The more you will live gratitude.

Master Marilyn says to take however long you need to move from not having anything to say thank you for, to noticing something new, to noticing the beauty in the new thing and, finally, being the expression of gratitude, saying thank you. Doing this practice will help you achieve an attitude of happiness. When you have developed gratitude, you will have touched the essence of happiness.

How beautiful is that?

Now join me in a practice to help develop gratitude. If you are tempted to keep reading and skip the practice, don't! Sit up straight and say:

Dear soul, mind and body of gratitude, I love you.
(Everything is made of soul, mind [consciousness], and body [energy and matter].)


You have the power to bring happiness to my life.
Do a good job.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Or you could say:

Dear soul, mind and body of gratitude, 
you have the power to change my response to life.
Do good job.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Then chant (repeat) for three to five minutes:

Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life...

Close your eyes and chant for three to five minutes now. Do this simple practice three to five times a day, the longer the better. 

So many of the changes we want to make in our lives can be made by simply becoming more aware and more present. And so it is with developing a grateful heart. In each moment, you can become aware of many things to be grateful for. As you repeat this mantra, you shift your awareness and become the quality of gratitude. You are not just saying the words. 

Connect with the mantra. Become the mantra. 

When you chant that way, gratitude really does change your life. 

We become what we chant. What's your mantra? If it's my life is really difficult, what are you becoming? Ouch. Change the mantra to change your life. 

Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life...

By incorporating this simple practice in your daily life, you could experience huge shifts in your life. And one who experiences and expresses gratitude in daily life is a blessing to others.

Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." What change do you wish to see? Happiness starts here and now, with you. 

Quick! What are you grateful for?

Leave a comment and share your experiences with practicing gratitude. I would love to hear from you.

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meeting the Divine Half Way

Greetings and welcome.

It has been some time since my last post and I want to share a story with you that has had great impact on me. You may have heard this story before. I first heard it a few years ago, and it deeply touched my heart.

If you recognize the story at the onset, I ask you to keep reading. Be open to receive the message that is there for you, for we can hear the same story many times and receive new insights each time.

Here it is...

A heavy storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the river would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately.

One man who lived alone heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God. If I am in danger, God will save me.”

As people were quickly evacuating, a neighbor came by and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car. Please come with us.” The man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”

The man stood on his porch...watching as the water rose up the steps. Deeper and deeper. A man in a row boat paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my boat. The waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No, thanks. God will save me.”

The flood waters rose higher and began pouring into his house and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police rescue motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”

The flood waters continued to rise higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.

A rescue helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue person came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, "Grab my hand and I will pull you up!" But the man still refused. “No, thank you! God will save me!”

Shortly after, the house broke up and the flood waters swept it and the man away and he drowned.

He got to Heaven and asked God what happened and why he had forsaken him in his time of need when he had such faith. He told God that God had let him drown.

God replied, "My son, don’t you see? It was I who sent you two boats and a helicopter."


The man was waiting for God's hand to scoop him up and rescue him. He could not see God’s hand in those mortal hands that offered help.

God rescues us all the time. It is our responsibility to see those miracles in the making.

You have to meet God half way.

You have to do your part. And that’s where service and Total GOLD (gratitude, obedience, loyalty and devotion to the Divine) come in. That's our part.

If we leave it all to God, what kind of character does that instill in us? The man was expecting God to do it all. He didn’t try to save himself. He was expecting more from God than he was willing to give of himself. In a way, he was testing God. He held a mind-set that it would work a certain way. It would look like this or that. Then he questioned why God failed to serve him in the way he thought he should have.

For me, this story sums up how so many of us choose live our lives. We have faith in God to take care of us, but we ignore so many signs and opportunities He sends our way.

We may think, why am I suffering, I have such faith…why is this happening to me?

Everything is a gift for our own awakening and expansion. We are always and in all ways being tended to in the most appropriate way in this moment.

I believe that the highest form of prayer is that of gratitude. This is so powerful. I pray the things I do will glorify the Divine and serve the Divine's will, not mine, rather than praying for this or that to fulfill my needs. You may find this practice to be very transforming also.

Starting today, do your best to be aware of the gifts that are being sent your way on a daily basis. Some of them may not look like gifts at all. They may not even feel like gifts. Become aware of how you respond to these opportunities. What is the message? You may wish to keep a simple journal.

Thank you for reading. I welcome you to leave a comment. Next time, we will do a practice to develop gratitude. Subscribe to my blog so you don't miss the blessings and practices. 

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Love Beyond Measure

Dear Ones,

I would like to share a message that I received from the  Divine that has helped me in times when I felt overwhelmed, upset, or that life was really difficult.

Relax. Open your heart to receive this tender message from the Divine that is meant for everyone:

You are loved beyond measure.

When life brings challenges of any kind, come to me. Remember my name and call it often. I will support you. When you can no longer carry your burdens, lay them at my feet.

I am here for you.

You are not facing the world alone. You are my child. I cradle you in my arms though you cannot see me. I wipe your tears without your knowing. 

You are loved.

You are loved.

You are loved.


Thank you, Divine.

How blessed we are to have the unending support and boundless blessings of Heaven. It is truly a blessing beyond comprehension or measure.

Have you received a similar message of support at any time in your life? I'd like to hear from you.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Treasure Beyond Words: Divine Healing Hands

Sometimes we are met with opportunities that are like rare gems, and we either recognize them as such or pass them by.

I have done this many times myself; not recognized or understood deeply enough the value of something or someone until it was too late. The opportunity was lost.

Why am I sharing this? There is an opportunity that is available to everyone, and it can help you, your loved ones and humanity in a very special way.

Millions and millions--we could probably say billions--of people are suffering. They suffer from chronic and life-threatening conditions. Many suffer from emotional imbalances, including anxiety and depression, anger, fear, grief, worry, and more. 

5,000 people around the world have been empowered to help themselves and others by receiving Divine Healing Hands, an incredibly powerful healer transmission that has created thousands of soul healing miracles across the globe. 

Divine Healing Hands blessings can heal and transform humanity and create love, peace and harmony for humanity and Mother Earth.

How do they do this? Divine Healing Hands carry Divine frequency and vibration that can transform the frequency of anyone and anything: your health, emotions, relationships, finances, business, pets, and much, much more. This means that you can apply Divine Healing Hands to offer very high level blessings for any aspect of life for yourself and others. Divine Healing Hands are very unique, unlike any other healing modality, and they complement all healing methods, including traditional medicine. 

It is a tremendous honor to carry Divine Healing Hands. I have applied Divine Healing Hands to heal a variety of issues for myself and many others. One recipient's strong desire for alcohol stopped completely after one blessing. In his own words: 
I feel as if I have transformed into a different person, feeling strength and clarity...I have made changes in my life that have helped me with the issues I shared with you. The biggest change is I stopped drinking. I realized that I was always in a fog and it is why I could not see life the way I see it now. And secondly, I now have control of my emotions like I never had before.
All credit goes to the Divine, from whom these healing treasures and blessings come. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve.

Divine Healing Hands are only transmitted by Master Zhi Gang Sha and his Divine Channels and Worldwide Representatives, of which I am so honored to be one of 34 worldwide. I myself am not holding a training this time, but you can join the global Divine Healing Hands training taking place April 11-13 in one of 26 cities around the world. It is an extraordinary training at an extraordinary time in history. Learn more and apply to join the Divine Healing Hands movement. 

This Divine Healer training program is a rare gem that is too valuable to miss. I know what it has meant to me and to the thousands of people around the world who have experienced healing miracles from Divine Healing Hands blessings. The purpose of life is to serve. Divine Healing Hands have helped me to fulfill this purpose. It can do the same for you. 

Have a blessed and beautiful day.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Profound Truth

Forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace.
~ Master Zhi Gang Sha

This is one of the most profound truths I have personally experienced.

Doing a regular forgiveness practice has transformed my heart, my relationships, and so much more. And I know without a doubt that it has transformed my soul journey.

How can this be? 

Each of us has hurt or harmed other beings in this lifetime and in past lifetimes. We could have caused another soul pain and suffering through our words, thoughts, actions, inaction, and more. We may be very loving, kind, and compassionate beings in this lifetime, but we have had times in some of our past lifetimes when this was not the case. For this we have accumulated negative karma. 

When we receive forgiveness from those we have hurt or harmed in all our lifetimes and we unconditionally forgive those who have hurt or harmed us in all lifetimes, negative karma is transformed. To do a forgiveness practice one time is good. 

To have a regular, consistent, and sincere-from-the-bottom-of-your-heart forgiveness practice is transformational. 

This simple practice, if done sincerely and consistently, can remove so many blockages in your life, including issues with your health, relationships, emotions, finances, career, family, and much, much more. The power of forgiveness cannot be overstated.

I firmly believe that we can transform humanity through the power of forgiveness. 

Truly open your heart to ask for forgiveness and to offer forgiveness. The appropriate souls will hear you and respond accordingly. Some may forgive you the first time. Others will forgive over time. They will see your sincerity and heartfelt desire to transform. This is why forgiveness practice is not a one-time practice. It is important to continue to practice regularly; daily if possible. 

Chances are, we know who some of the people we have hurt in this lifetime, but we don't know who we hurt in all our past lives. This is why we call all souls who we have ever hurt in this lifetime and in all our past lifetimes to join our forgiveness practice session. 

If you have a chronic or life-threatening condition, or if you have serious blockages in any aspect of life, do forgiveness practice as often as you possibly can. 

Here's how to do it:

Apply the Four Power Techniques: Body Power, Soul Power, Mind Power, and Sound Power.

Body Power. Find a quiet place and sit upright with your hands on your lower abdomen. Relax your mind and your body, but remain alert.

Soul Power. Say hello:

Dear all souls who I have harmed, hurt or taken advantage of in this lifetime 
or any of my lifetimes,
I love you and honor you. I invite you to be here now.
I sincerely and humbly ask for your forgiveness for any and all ways I have harmed, hurt or taken advantage of you.
I am deeply sorry. Please forgive me.
I ask this so that we may heal whatever karmic debt there is between us 
and advance on our soul’s journey together living in love, peace and harmony. 
Thank you.

Dear all souls who have ever harmed, hurt or taken advantage of me in this lifetime 
or any of my lifetimes,
I love you and honor you. I invite you to be here now.
I offer you my forgiveness, completely and unconditionally. 
You owe me nothing.
Let us heal whatever karmic debt there is between us so we can advance on our soul’s journey together living in love, peace and harmony. 
Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize golden light radiating amongst you and all the souls you called. This light radiates throughout Mother Earth and all universes. 

Sound Power. Sing Love, Peace and Harmony (visit www.lovepeaceharmonymovement.com to download this Divine Soul Song). You may simply chant Divine Forgiveness or Divine Love repeatedly. The power of a mantra is increased through the repetition of the message. 

Chant for 10 to 15 minutes. The longer you chant and the more often you do this practice, the better. 

Close your practice by saying Hao! Hao! Hao! 
Hao is Mandarin and means “perfect,” or “get well.” It is an affirmation and a command. Then say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The “first thank” is for the Divine. The second “thank you” is for the soul(s), or spiritual beings in Heaven who supported your practice. The third “thank you” is for your own soul, mind and body. Lastly, say Gong song (pronounced gawng sohng). Gong song. Gong song to ask all of the souls you called to respectfully return to their abode.
With all my heart, I urge you to begin doing a regular forgiveness practice. You can be flexible and change the words. Most important is that you be sincere. 

How has forgiveness affected your life? I invite you to share here. And I invite you to share your experiences of forgiveness with others. This is one way we can transform the hearts of humanity. 

I wish you great success in your journey of forgiveness.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Longing To Be One With The Divine

Many people go though life feeling isolated or separate from others. 

I have come to realize that, ultimately, this is a result of our separation from the Divine. Our relationship with the Divine is our original relationship, and separation from The Source deeply affects us: our physical life and, of course, our soul journey.

Years ago I heard about an Indian saint who was so desperate to meld with the Divine that he cried out in pain. He rubbed his face in the dirt. The pain of separation was so great. 

And so it can be with us. 

This separation can deeply impact our health, relationships, and every aspect of our lives. What causes this separation to become even greater? Each time we harm another soul through our speech, thoughts, and behavior, this separation grows because we are further from the Divine. Each time we have spoken or thought negatively about the Divine, have complained about our life and what we have been given, this separation is made greater. 

Though in our heart we long to be One with the Divine, there is separation, even for the most dedicated spiritual practitioners. And there is karma between us and the Divine resulting from our thoughts, words, and behaviors from all our lifetimes. 

When I learned this just a few days ago from my spiritual father and teacher, Master Sha, it made so much sense. Most relationships carry karma. What is a relationship like that carries much karma? There is misalignment and disharmony. The relationship can be filled with challenges and blockages of all kinds. 

In past lifetimes we could have done many things to create karma between us and the Divine, including acting against a great spiritual teacher sent here to serve humanity, and much more. This could create a huge amount of karma between us and the Divine. How can we align fully with the Divine when we have karma that blocks this most significant of all our relationships?

To have this karma removed could transform every aspect of your life and soul journey. 

Below is my flow (soul communication) with Heaven about the tremendous blessing of receiving Karma Cleansing for your relationship with the Divine. I am honored to share:

Hao! To receive Karma Cleansing for the relationship between you and the Divine is to remove blockages to aligning with the Divine and Heaven. These blockages can deeply affect your health, emotions, relationships, finances, spiritual channels, and every aspect of your life, including your Tao and immortality journey. To be blocked in your alignment with Heaven can cause you to lose your way on the spiritual journey. To receive this extraordinary blessing is one of the MOST extraordinary blessings a soul can receive. You will have greater possibility to meld with me; to become One. You will come to me because that which keeps you from me will be removed. My heart will be your heart. My consciousness will be your consciousness. You will walk more fully on the path of the Divine and your teacher. You will embrace divine wisdom in an entirely new way. You will have the capacity to serve with greater Da Ai (greatest love), Da Kuan Shu (greatest forgiveness), Da Ci Bei (greatest compassion), and Da Guang Ming (greatest light). 

So much is possible when all that blocks you from aligning with Heaven is transformed. Align soul, heart, mind, and body with Heaven. Receive the greatest blessing. You are beyond blessed. Your life, your soul journey will benefit exponentially. You will be empowered like never before to accomplish your tasks. This is just the beginning of the significance of receiving Karma Cleansing for your relationship with the Divine. Do not miss this opportunity. You are deeply loved and blessed. Hao!

To receive this incredible blessing will help you to align more fully with your true purpose, to be a greater presence of the Divine, and to accomplish your soul journey. 

I am extremely grateful. I urge you not to miss this extraordinary opportunity.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine

photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/vinothchandar/5602765430/">VinothChandar</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">cc</a>