Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gratitude Changes My Life (And It Will Change Yours, Too)


In my last post I mentioned that I would share a practice to develop gratitude.Today we will look at gratitude and how having an attitude of gratitude can transform your life. 

Often you hear people say they are grateful for this or that. You may have noticed that people who are grateful appear to be happier than those who may not express gratitude in everyday life. This is not to say they don't experience struggles and life blockages because they do. But they see them through a different lens. They view all of life-the ups and downs and in-betweens-through gratitude. 

How would you define gratitude? Master Marilyn Smith has written a delightful and powerful book called Gratitude: A Key to Happiness (Toronto/Heaven's Library Publication Corp., 2010). The title alone is a great teaching! In this book, gratitude is defined in this way:

Gratitude is appreciation, reverence, respect and joy          
that is unconditional.

Read that sentence again once or twice slowly. 

Now imagine having appreciation, reverence, respect and joy that is unconditional. Imagine living and expressing this unconditional appreciation, reverence, respect and joy.

Truly, just as described in this book, I have found the way to achieve an attitude of happiness is to focus on gratitude. When you do this, you connect with the essence of happiness, which is deep inner joy. 

You can start now, right where you are, by thinking for a few moments about what makes you happy. If you have difficulty doing this, start with something small. Are there flowers in your yard or a beautiful tree on your way to work? See squirrels playing in a tree? A baby in a carriage on the street? A cool evening? A cup of hot tea? A comfortable chair or a good book? Maybe you don’t think they are special. Look for something. Do this throughout your entire day. These are things you can say thank you for. 

Do this for one week or more. Do your best to pause and be grateful. Truly grateful. And express that gratitude. The more you do this, the more automatic it will become. The more heartfelt your gratitude will be. The more you will live gratitude.

Master Marilyn says to take however long you need to move from not having anything to say thank you for, to noticing something new, to noticing the beauty in the new thing and, finally, being the expression of gratitude, saying thank you. Doing this practice will help you achieve an attitude of happiness. When you have developed gratitude, you will have touched the essence of happiness.

How beautiful is that?

Now join me in a practice to help develop gratitude. If you are tempted to keep reading and skip the practice, don't! Sit up straight and say:

Dear soul, mind and body of gratitude, I love you.
(Everything is made of soul, mind [consciousness], and body [energy and matter].)


You have the power to bring happiness to my life.
Do a good job.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Or you could say:

Dear soul, mind and body of gratitude, 
you have the power to change my response to life.
Do good job.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Then chant (repeat) for three to five minutes:

Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life...

Close your eyes and chant for three to five minutes now. Do this simple practice three to five times a day, the longer the better. 

So many of the changes we want to make in our lives can be made by simply becoming more aware and more present. And so it is with developing a grateful heart. In each moment, you can become aware of many things to be grateful for. As you repeat this mantra, you shift your awareness and become the quality of gratitude. You are not just saying the words. 

Connect with the mantra. Become the mantra. 

When you chant that way, gratitude really does change your life. 

We become what we chant. What's your mantra? If it's my life is really difficult, what are you becoming? Ouch. Change the mantra to change your life. 

Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes my life...

By incorporating this simple practice in your daily life, you could experience huge shifts in your life. And one who experiences and expresses gratitude in daily life is a blessing to others.

Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." What change do you wish to see? Happiness starts here and now, with you. 

Quick! What are you grateful for?

Leave a comment and share your experiences with practicing gratitude. I would love to hear from you.

Until next time.

With love from my heart,
Master Elaine


  1. Dear Master Elaine, I love you so much and i thank you sooo very much for this incredible post. WOW i feel so happy and my heart is sooooo open now. I satrted to see spiritual images when i chanted Gratitude changes my lie. I was shown all of my blessings starting from earth to heaven. WOW... i feel a gratitude field around me. i feel all is well finally... i am so grateful for everyhting in my life. I am so thankful for the countless blessings. I will be careful with what i say from now on. i will try my best to see the blessings in everthing because everything is truly a blessing. CBD CBD CBD TY TY TY

    1. Dear Avi, I love you. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience! I look forward to hearing more about your journey. Much love, Master Elaine

  2. Thank you Master Elaine. As of now I am very grateful for your blog on this very important topic. In my yesterday's Daily Skype Soul Power Group practice I had got a message that our next days practice will be a "Gratitude" special and had announced the same to every participant. But today 2 hours before our daily practice starts I was totally blank on this topic and was searching the internet for the same. You have so beautifully sumed it up for me with the practice. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Love you, Love you, Love you.
