Sunday, March 20, 2016

Blast off on March 20!

Greetings, all.
It has been far too long since I made a post.

I believe in our hearts that most human beings want the same thing: to live in harmony. But so many people do not know how to open their hearts to one another, to stop the harmful speech and actions. They do not realize that their very thoughts, words and actions are creating more challenges and suffering. Truly, they are blinded by their karma, oftentimes thinking that they are doing the right thing. I have long believed that people do the best they can with what they have. And what they have is their karma.

How can we live together in harmony unless something changes drastically? How can we make a difference in the vast ocean of suffering?

We must commit to transforming our speech, our thoughts, our actions. We must place our attention on the light and not feed the negativity and darkness. We must bring the light. 

We must purify our hearts so we can BE the light.

The most powerful way I know to do this is to sing Love, Peace and Harmony:

I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Love, peace and harmony

To sing this Divine Song is to serve countless souls by offering them your love.

It is to awaken them to the Divine's calling to join hearts and souls together in order to create love, peace and harmony.

There is much more I can say about this precious song that is a treasure to transform humanity's consciousness and hearts to those of love, peace and harmony.

Tomorrow, March 20 is the launch of the non-profit Love Peace Harmony Foundation. This organization is totally committed to creating love, peace and harmony for all humanity and Mother Earth and beyond. It is totally committed to serving in order to make others happier and healthier.

From my heart, I ask you to please support the Love Peace Harmony Thunderclap campaign to BLAST a message of love, peace and harmony to hundreds of thousands of people through social media. Social media can create so much momentum to bring the light in a very BIG way. Won't you join  me?

Please click this link and scroll down to support this campaign through your social media contacts, and one message will be posted to your Facebook profile on March 20 at 3 pm EDT that says you support Love, Peace and Harmony. Let's use social media for something truly worthwhile: to create a wave of light to transform consciousness and hearts everywhere.

You will be blessed. Humanity will be blessed. One song CAN make a huge difference on Mother Earth. Watch the heart-touching new Love Peace Harmony video. 

I invite you to join a very special program with Master Sha--Love Peace Harmony for World Happiness--on March 20 at 2 pm on to launch the Love Peace Harmony Foundation. You will receive major blessings for every aspect of life.

Thank you from my heart and soul for your support. 

Together we can change the world.

With love and gratitude,
Master Elaine

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